Google's On Hold Message Voice-Over

Google's On Hold Message Voice-Over

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Transform Your Phone Waiting Experience with an Online Voice Over

In an increasingly connected world, phone waiting might seem outdated, but it's far from it. When used wisely, it becomes a powerful tool to create a pleasant, professional, and brand-consistent calling experience. And that's where an online voice over comes into play - offering your business a professional, accessible, and personalized sound.

I'm Estelle Hubert, an French online voice-over artist for over 20 years, here to help you reinvent your phone waiting experience.

The Google Experience: From Classic Waiting to Modern Voice Over

As Google's phone greeting voice for over a decade, I've seen the transformation from classic and serious to a more modern, natural, and conversational approach. Today, I welcome all Google customers across their product lines, from AdWords to Chromebooks and beyond.

Why the Change?

Google, like many businesses, realized that phone waiting is an opportunity to connect with customers, enhance brand value, and improve the user experience. A modern and natural voice-over creates a welcoming, close-knit, and understanding vibe.

By working with an online French voice-over artist, you can reimagine your phone waiting experience, just like Google. You can choose the tone, style, and message to align with your brand and establish a connection with your customers.

How to Choose Your online French Voice Over?

Choosing a voice-over is no easy task. Consider these factors:

Tone of Voice

The voice-over tone should match your brand's identity and the message you want to convey. A soft and warm voice creates a welcoming atmosphere, while a dynamic and enthusiastic voice can transmit excitement and energy.


The voice-over's rhythm can influence the caller's mood. A slow and steady pace has a calming effect, while a fast and lively pace can create a sense of urgency.


Working with an experienced voice-over artist ensures a professional and high-quality sound.


Online voice-overs offer great flexibility. You can quickly and easily get your personalized voice-over without the need for in-person sessions.

Transform Your Phone Waiting Experience with an French Voice Over

Whether you're a local small business or a global brand like Google, your phone waiting experience is often the first interaction many customers have with your company. Don't overlook this first impression. With an online voice over, you can turn your phone waiting into an enjoyable and memorable experience that enhances your brand.

Ready to reinvent your phone waiting experience? Contact me to discuss your project.