A telephone greeting that makes a good impression
The telephone is a bit like shaking hands: first impressions count! At Distripackaging, we understand the importance of a polished telephone greeting. With a clear, warm female voice-over (hello, it’s me!), every caller is greeted like a VIP, even when they’re waiting a while.
Because, yes, nobody likes waiting on the phone, but with positive corporate music and a reassuring tone, you can turn a wait into a pleasant experience. No stress: at Distripackaging, we take care of your customers… even before they pick up the phone!
The different types of telephone messages: an art form!
Pre-answer phone greeting : Politeness comes first
You know that little message that says, “Stay tuned, we’re on our way”? Well, it’s more than just a formality: it’s the moment when the company lays the foundations of its image. At Distripackaging, this message is short, professional, and instantly sets the tone: serious, yet approachable.
Telephone Waiting: A Moment That Counts
Ah, the telephone hold… A slippery slope. But with the right music and a voiceover that inspires confidence, this moment can become a useful and pleasant space for information. At Distripackaging, the positive corporate music has been carefully selected to keep customers zen, and my voice gently accompanies them.
The Absence Message: We’ll Call You Back, We Promise!
When a company can’t be reached, the out-of-office message becomes the ambassador of its responsiveness. No robotic phrases or cold tone: a clear, reassuring message is the key. At Distripackaging, we’ve opted for a tone that says “We’re here for you, even when we’re not.”
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) : Your Telephone Guide
The IVR is like the GPS of the telephone: it directs you quickly and efficiently. With a professional voice and well-written scripts, each option is clear, concise and avoids frustration. We don’t want your customers to want to press “0” just to talk to someone!
Behind the scenes: More than just a recording
Scriptwriting: Words That Matter
Creating a phone message isn’t just about finding words: it’s about finding the right words. At Distripackaging, we’ve worked hand in hand to write scripts that reflect their image: professional, yet accessible.
Music Choice: A True Corporate Playlist
Boring or generic music is out of the question. On-hold music must reflect the company’s DNA. At Distripackaging, we chose a positive, professional melody that keeps callers in a zen and constructive frame of mind.
Recording and editing: the icing on the cake
A voice-over is all very well, but a perfectly edited recording is even better. With the help of my sound engineer, each message was encoded according to the CCITT technical protocol (yes, that’s serious!) to guarantee optimal broadcasting. No cuts, no crackles, just clear vocals and impeccable music.
Why a Female Voiceover Can Change Everything
Why a human voice rather than a robot? Because a female voice brings warmth, connection, and a touch of humanity that your customers feel immediately. It inspires confidence and reflects your company’s professionalism. With my years of experience, I know how to adapt my tone and diction to meet the most demanding expectations.