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Starting with the left leg… Always. And who knows, one month later maybe the big thrill? One thing is for sure, the blue team is putting on their soccer cleats for the great FIFA World Cup in Russia so be it “over” or not, we'll RAISE OUR VOICES.

Because of course, the thirtheenth Man – with a capital M, yes – is this crowd, this mad farandole carrying its country. It's you and it's me, it's us!

Hold our breaths until the final whistle, breathe out, shout for joy, exult! Feel this euphoria again, bask in that same bliss we've all enjoyed and shared before.

Anyway, you'll note that in my case I've already begun vocal warm ups ;)

I wish you a wonderful Worldcup. No matter the outcome as long as we get great moments of joy... After all, that's what we call the Grail, isn't it?

Cheers for the FIFA World Cup! Go the blue team, go, go, go!!