French teen voice over

French teen voice over

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Florine, a Versatile French Adolescent Voice Over Artist

Florine, born in 2007, is my daughter and a naturally gifted voice over actress who can lend her voice to characters of all ages, from children to teenagers. Her unique French teen voice over brings an authentic touch to each narration.

A Mother-Daughter Voice Over Team for Authentic French Narration

We form a dynamic team, a duo of passion and talent. Working alongside me since she was 5, Florine has developed a natural and convincing audio presence, making her an exceptional young voice over from France.

A Versatile French Teen Voice Over for Podcasts and Documentaries

Whether it's advertisements, audio guides, podcasts, or documentaries, Florine's French teen voice perfectly adapts to each story. Her ability to captivate the audience is unmatched.

A Global Performance from Our Home Studio in France

Our home studio allows us to collaborate with clients from all over the world. Thanks to her natural talent and maturity, Florine easily adapts to remotely directed sessions, providing a young French voice over that's authentic and engaging.

Florine in the Podcast "Briss, the Highs of Black Earth"

I'm incredibly proud to present her latest performance in the podcast "Briss, the Highs of Black Earth" produced by Agence Cent Neuf. Her French teen voice over performance as young Ines is a real gem.

It's an honor to watch her grow and flourish in this profession. Florine is my greatest pride and the best French child and teen voice over actress I've had the pleasure of training.